My spot on the web for my '70s and '80s- style arcade game creations and ports for the Dreamcast and original Xbox consoles
(commonly and popularly known as "homebrew" games).

All Fuseki games and ports are free downloads. Click the menu links to the left to move through the site.

NEW Classic Coin-op Designer Interviews
YouTube Channel
Current Projects and status:
-Classic-style shooter ("shmup") for Dreamcast and original Xbox - gameplay fleshed out - engine 50% finished - preliminary gameplay running with graphics and control support
"F-Project" -3D sprite scaling/mode 7 engine for Dreamcast and (maybe) original Xbox- experimental stage, some programming and algorithm testing done and milestones reached - running with graphics and control support
-Looking at my past DOS to Dreamcast ports and testing their viability for porting to the original Xbox
January 10, 2025

Screenshots of "F-Project", a scaling sprite 3D engine experimental project, which is still in the beginning stages. I will turn this into a game, once I reach every milestone I've set. The name itself is inspired by the experimental stage of UGA/Tetsuya Mizuguchi's Dreamcast/PS2 game Rez ("K-Project") and
the videos documenting the various stages of that game's design. It's one of my favorite games of all time, and my game Primitive Nightmare has taken some inspiration and a few elements from that game.
Click the screenshots for a larger view.

January 9, 2025

New landing page layout launch.

Keep checking back for updated status reports on current projects (posted in the Menu section to the left).
Screenshots will be posted in this section soon.

Added classic coin-op designer interviews that I conducted back in 2000-2001 for my old website and for a magazine that I used to write for.

Looking for a pixel (and more) artist who would like to collaborate on current projects.
Please contact me if interested.

© 2009-2025 Fuseki Games. All Rights Reserved.